1. Data and Links
1.1 Revised Final Silpakorn Critical Data TABLE 2015
1.2 Details
1.2.1 Full - time Academic Faculty Staff
1.2.2 Part - time Academic Faculty Staff
1.2.3 International Academic Faculty Staff
1.2.4 Undergraduate Students
1.2.5 International Undergraduate Students (Full - time)
1.2.6 International Graduate Students (Full - time)
1.2.7 Graduate Students (Full - time and Part - time)
1.2.8 Inbound Exchange Students (Graduate and Undergraduate)
1.2.9 Outbound Exchange Students (Graduate and Undergraduate)
2. Ranking Information
3. Publications
3.1 QS Showcase 2015 (Thai Universities)
3.2 QS Showcase 2015: An exclusive top-level presentation of the world in higher education.
3.3 QS Top Universities Guide 2015
3.4 QS News 2 WOWU (February - April 2015)